Informe sobre las Estrategias Nacionales de IA y Derechos Humanos

A National Artificial Intelligence Strategy (NAS) is a document, ordinarily developed by a government, which sets out its broad, strategic approach to artificial intelligence (AI), including specific areas of focus and activities they will undertake which relate to AI. In doing so, an NAS attempts to coordinate government policies in order to maximize the potential benefits for the economy and society, while minimizing the potential costs. Since 2017, over 25 states and regional intergovernmental organizations have published them, with many more in the process of development.

Adaptado por Aniceto Pérez y Madrid, Filósofo de las Tecnologías y Editor de Actualidad Deep Learning (@forodeeplearn)



El estado de la IA en 10 gráficos

Es hora de que la IA se explique

Ann Cavoukian explica por qué la vigilancia invasiva no debería ser la norma en los entornos urbanos modernos y sostenibles